When you decide to lose weight, there is a process involved and it starts with accountability. Accountability partners are those who can speak out and recognize their own feelings regarding their weight, no matter how much or little they weigh. Accountability partners give themselves permission to discuss weight with others, feel good about themselves and keep a healthy weight no matter what. The next step is developing accountability. In this process, the partner that feels accountable to themselves comes first. Accountability partners work as a support system for the one accountable.
The weight loss accountability relationship can be tenuous at times. There will often be temptations to skip a meal or use laxatives. There are temptations to watch food, instead of working out. People are tempted to call their dietitian or go to a pricey nutritionist instead of getting it from the cookbook or the coach. When the partner that is accountable for the weight loss follows through, it strengthens the relationship.
It is important when you are creating a weight loss accountability relationship to communicate your expectations with your partner as early as possible. Discussing your desired outcomes is more successful if the goals are realistic. For example, if you are losing thirty pounds by February, tell your partner what you hope to accomplish. The nutrition coach can help you set realistic goals for meeting your goals.
The relationship between the accountability system and the weight loss accountability system needs to be carefully balanced. Being accountable does not mean being perfect. There is no such thing as the perfect weight loss partner. You do want to be a partner who is supportive and encouraging. You also want to be someone who knows when to hold him or her accountable for the smart goals you have set.
When you are creating your weight loss accountability system, find people to be accountable to. This could be family and friends. It could be a group of professionals who work together. Make sure you create systems in which the person accountable for doing what must be done to meet the goal you have set. These systems need to be very specific so that the person accountable for eating fewer calories has something to look forward to every day.
Remember when you set goals, you will have setbacks. You will also need to learn to continue on with your plan even when you are not seeing results as quickly as you would like. This is where your weight loss accountability comes in. You are going to need to set smart goals that when met will bring you the results you are looking for. You will also need to learn to be resilient when adversity sets in.
Your weight loss accountability partner should be someone you trust to be accountable to. Ideally, this would be someone in your organization or a friend. However, if you are not able to find a partner, then consider working with your spouse or significant other. It is important that your partner is motivated to help you accomplish your goals. If your significant other does not share the same motivation level as you, this can create problems.
Remember, when you are working with your weight loss accountability partner to set reasonable goals. If you set yourself up to accomplish way more than you can reasonably handle, you are setting yourself up for failure. Be honest with your accountability partner about what you are able to handle and what you cannot. This will eliminate frustrations. Also remember to be realistic in setting goals and don't let yourself get carried away with your enthusiasm.
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